*** On July 20th 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon. In the years preceding this most iconic of events, he, NASA and his family overcame incredible odds - this is that story. It's a strange feeling to watch a film that you really, really wanted to see, only to find it to be somewhat disappointing. I want to make it clear from the start, however - First Man is in no way a bad film, it just failed to live up to my high expectations. And what expectations they were: a star-studded cast; an award-winning director; a real life story of love, loss and tragedy; and engrossing trailers with the enigmatic voice of John F. Kennedy telling us that we do these things 'not because they are easy, but because they are hard'. It held so much promise, and yet I found myself propelled from moments of wonder and tension, to scenes that almost made me fidget with boredom. Let's start with the good bits. It can't be denied that the scen...
Film reviews by Eleanor. Writer, blogger, cat lover.