**** Best friends Dale and Tucker escape to the woods to renovate an old wood cabin and relax with a few beers. At the same time, a group of college kids descend upon the wood for a camping trip, but when Dale and Tucker rescue one of the party from drowning, the peaceful holiday descends into blood shed. This hilarious horror-comedy plays upon all the clichés and tropes we know from countless horror films: a cabin in the woods; a group of gormless, good-looking college kids; a tale of a previous grisly murder; and hillbillies, and cleverly subverts them. Hillbillies Dale and Tucker (Tyler Labine and Alan Tudyk) are not the murderous, deranged individuals of Deliverance and others of the same ilk, rather ordinary working men wanting to escape on holiday and decorate their newly acquired holiday home. In a twist of fate, it's the college kids who have the murderous side, aiming to rescue their friend, Allison (Katrina Bowden), by whatever means necessary. Cue impal...
Film reviews by Eleanor. Writer, blogger, cat lover.