*** DVD Release Based on Robert Harris’ novel of the same name, Enigma follows troubled code-breaker, Tom Jericho, as he simultaneously tries to decode the Nazi’s new Enigma Code and track down his missing lover, Claire. As he, and Claire’s best friend, Hester, delve deeper in Claire’s disappearance, it becomes apparent that Tom’s work has come into play in his private life… This film has such an old-fashioned, Sunday-afternoon feel to it – there are few explosions or violent scenes, instead endless scenes of the grounds around Bletchley Park and rooms in desperate need of a spring clean. Dougray Scott is Tom Jericho, the desperately unwell and generally disliked genius who breaks the Enigma Code every day. Scott looks fittingly unwell as the deeply depressed genius, Jericho, but his character’s complete mental break down after Claire’s rejection, who he had only known for one month, seems somewhat strange. I don’t know if his mental fragility is studied in more depth i...
Film reviews by Eleanor. Writer, blogger, cat lover.