*** Humans and mutants alike are being hunted by the Sentinels, apparently sentient and ruthless beings set on destroying everything. In a desperate attempt to save mankind, the remaining X-Men decide to send Wolverine back in time to stop the Sentinels ever being created. Well, this is a completely ridiculous film, even more so than a radio-active lizard and, perhaps more importantly, the other X-Men films. Whenever time travel becomes a major plot point, massive loopholes open up and this film is just not good enough to distract the audience from these issues. The script leaves much to be desired – there is rather a lot of forced exposition at the beginning, and later on we have some seriously poor one-liners that sent ripples of amusement through the audience when they were meant to be inspiring and heart-felt. There is also a bonkers side-note about the assassination of JFK that never should have made it into the final cut, but there it is, sticking out like a sore thu...
Film reviews by Eleanor. Writer, blogger, cat lover.