*** Having staked their claim on the treasure hidden within the Lonely Mountain, Biblo and the Dwarves, led by an increasingly volatile Thorin, watch on as armies of Men, Elves, Orcs, Goblins gather outside their front door, all vying for a piece of the gold. Sigh. I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed. After the mess of the second part of the trilogy, I felt sure that Jackson would be able to redeem himself with this conclusion, but I have been proved wrong. Where to begin? Well, how about the complete lack of plot!? I have read some reviews of Mockingjay: Part 1 that accuse the film of being without direction and story, but compared to Battle of the Five Armies , Mockingjay looks like an excellently crafted Dickensian novel. In all honesty, the plot for the final Hobbit film can be summarised thus: there’s a big fight. Fight scenes can be exciting, I don’t deny it, but after you’ve seen one army smash into another, you’ve essentially seen them all, so the repetition of...