*** In the not too distant future, Earth is a barren wasteland, overrun with sickness and poverty. The rich no longer live on Earth, but a huge spaceship floating in space called Elysium. On Elysium, there is no sickness, thanks to a pod-like vessels that heal every broken bone and cell mutation. Down in the desert-like remains of Los Angeles, we meet Max, ex-petty criminal, who succumbs to a severe dosage of radiation poisoning. He has days to live, and vows to make it up to Elysium. Visually, the film is excellent. Elysium has obviously been well-planned and looks great from pretty much all angles. The interiors are well realised and juxtaposes the squalor of Earth well - the shack in which Max (Matt Damon) resides is wholly unpleasant and believably so. The political undertones also come through well, without the audience being knocked over the head with the overall 'message'. All the performances are solid, with Damon in control as the anti-hero ...
Film reviews by Eleanor. Writer, blogger, cat lover.